About Us

The overarching goal of Maffra Community Church is to 'present Christ to all, and all mature in Christ.' In order to achieve this, the distinguishing feature of this Church is that we are an evangelical reformed church with a strong expository teaching ministry that God's people might be equipped to serve, live and proclaim the Lord Jesus and his gospel. This prominence of a Christ centred Bible teaching emphasis permeates all the ministries of the Church. These ministries include the weekly Sunday meeting, which includes Kids Church for the children and weekly Bible studies suited to various age groups and gender as required.

Our approach to music fits into this basic framework with songs chosen to reflect the truth of the gospel clearly and enable God's people to offer praise as a heart felt response for the completed work of Christ.

Evangelistically, we run our main meetings in a contemporary and informal style where a person not familiar with 'Church' would be able to understand and be engaged. However, the weekly meeting primarily functions for believers to be matured and equipped to bear witness in their own context. More formally, we have a strong international mission emphasis where we support a number of mission families associated with our church who minister to unevangelised people groups. Locally some of our members are involved in visitation to the local prison and also a weekly program at the local nursing home.

The church also runs a weekly playgroup at the local nursing home which helps build relationships between MCC and the wider community, nurtures interaction between the nursing home residents and the children and also provides a space for families with young children to meet and make new friendships.

© 2025 Maffra Community Church

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