What To Expect

We all know that churches can differ greatly. Sometimes people even get nervous about attending a church for the first time. Here are some basic questions and answers to help those planning to attend the Maffra Community Church.

How Long Does It Go For?

Our service starts at 10:00am and usually finishes around 11:30am. We have an informal time of morning tea with tea, coffee, biscuits etc after the service which is a great opportunity to meet and get to know people. We'd love to get to know you but at the same time we don't consider it rude if you need to leave for other commitments.

What Happens?

An average church service starts at 10:00am and finishes around 11:30am. Within that time, we have a couple of readings from the Bible, sing some songs in worship of God, have general announcements, pray for the needs of our church, our community and the world and have a time of teaching from the Bible. There is Kids Church for children aged 4-14 yrs during the service and visiting children are most welcome to participate.

What is expected of me?

As a visitor who is new to the idea of church, there is no expectations of you at all. You're most welcome to sit and observe. You are not required to sing, pray, give money or anything. However if you're a Christian visiting our church, consider yourself welcome to participate in an any area of our service - to sing, raise prayer points, pray and participate in Communion.

What is communion?

The Maffra Community Church celebrates communion on the second Sunday of each month. Communion is simply a symbolic reminder of the death of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins that he accomplished. The two parts of communion are the bread, which is symbolic of his body given for us on the cross and the wine (we use juice), which symbolises the blood that Jesus shed to cleanse us from our sin. Small portions of both are passed around during communion. If you haven't come to a point of trusting Jesus as your Saviour, feel free to pass it on without taking any. If you are trusting in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, please feel free to join with us in participating in communion.

What are the people like?

On your average Sunday, we have about 50 people attend our church services, and visitors will receive a warm and friendly welcome. As we have the full spectrum of ages from babies to 90, there are sure to be people within your age group whom you can connect with.

© 2025 Maffra Community Church

Website built and maintained by New Front Door